Days of a Beekeeper
What's been happening.
by john speckman on 06/12/12
Have been busy with various task's, have put on the last setup of honey supers with combs, now down to using new equipment with foundation.
Pollen collection has been real slow the last week or so. guess the bees have been busy with nectar collection, and hauling water to stay cool.
Setup another 40 queen nuc's this week, these will be the last for a while, just trying to get some queens ready for splits in July, if we decide to make some.
another day of bee work....
by john speckman on 05/30/12Been real busy checking all the colonies that past week or so ...The honey flow in north east kansas has finally gotten in gear, bees are collecting quite a bite of nectar... new queens are all do super, going to do another queen graft this week, probably be the last one for a month or so.
Waiting on honey flow to start
by john speckman on 05/16/12Sure don't understand mother nature... yellow sweet clover has been blooming for at least 7-10 days, and the bees have yet to gather any surplus in supers... Have looked at all the yards last week and this week, and started feeding again, as the bees have so much brood(young bees), that they are eating up anything they are bringing in, just staying even... don't want any of the young colonies to starve. so feed, feed, and feed some more... sure the honey flow will be started by weekend, with the warmer weather, and cooler nights, this usually get's the nectar flowing..... stay tuned for more reports....
2nd Batch of queen cells...
by john speckman on 05/02/12Will be looking at the 2nd set of nuc's started this year, seems like we used 80 cells on this round, hoping for the same sucess as the round 1 42 queens laying out of 50 cells set.... Will be busy making more equipment next week, as we are setting another set of cells by the 13th.
Time to put on the honey supers
by john speckman on 05/02/12Spent the day today putting on 1st round of honey supers, 30 days early... but the b ees are really ready, and the sweet clover is just starting to bloom, at this rate, will be spinning honey the 1st week of June or so... as with everything this year, way ahead of schedule.