Spring 2013 updates
by john speckman on 05/15/13
Has been a real busy couple of weeks, the bees have really started with the increased population with all the warm weather finally.. Have made about 125 new hives for this years honey production, and have been able to help some other beekeepers with some frames of bees to help them build up their counts also.
Have start (2) sets of new queens, the first bunch had a rough time will all the cool weather, but just setup another group of 18 queen cells this week, and 14 cells in starter nucs last week. Looks like they are finally bringing in some extra nectar which is a good thing, as they have been using up their surplus stores raising more bees.
Have started to put on honey supers in advance of the sweet clover flow, which normally starts the 1st week of June or so. Have alot of new frames/foundation that needs to be drawn out to comb, so will put these on in hopes they will fill with honey.